If you are unable to enter windows, please follow these steps to update the firmware on your affected WD SSD. You'll need another computer or laptop for this, as well as a USB flash drive up to 32GB.
- Format the USB Flash drive, and select the FAT32 file system.
- Extract the files to the blank USB drive. (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILES) It should look like the below.
- Put the USB drive in the PC.
- Turn the PC on, when it's booting press your boot menu key repeatedly (F11, F8 or F12 depending on motherboard manufacturer.)
- Select the UEFI device from the menu that appears.
- Leave it for a few minutes to load, it might appear as a black screen for a while.
- Once it loads it will look like this:
- Where it says <Enter Binary Name Here> enter the following text - SN770_731130WD.fluf
- Press continue and the firmware should update.
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